Hope Physical Therapy and Aquatics


Aquatics - Hip Flexion

Aquatics - Row / Scapular Retraction

Aquatics - Seated LAQ

Aquatics - Flutter

Aquatics - Hip Flexor Stretch

Aquatics - Double Knee to Chest (DKTC) Stretch

Aquatics - Hip Abduction ABD

Aquatics - Heel Raises

Aquatics - Quad Stretch

Aquatics - Tandem Ambulation

Aquatics - Thoracic Rotation (Tsp Rot)

Static Lunge

Ankle Eversion with Theraband

Aquatics Alternating Shoulder Flexion

Aquatics - Pretzel Crunch

Levator Scap Stretch

Ulnar Nerve Glide

Chin Tuck Supine

Aquatics - Bicep Curls

Ankle Inversion with Theraband

Step Up

SCM stretch

Ankle Plantar Flexion with Theraband